Monday, June 14, 2010

In case you're wondering ...

That's an old Wilson A2514 Carlton Fisk catcher's mitt that serves as a backdrop for pictures of Florida State League baseballs that Colin gets signed over the course of the 2010 Summer of Baseball.

Back in the day, when I pledged by baseball allegiance to the Boston Red Sox, Pudge was my favorite baseball player, replacing my first-ever baseball hero, the late Roberto Clemente of the Pittsburgh Pirates.

I had one of these gloves as a kid, but donated it to my hometown Casey Stengel League team, when I moved away from Machias, N.Y. I caught all of one game, realizing that I wasn't cut out to be a catcher when I couldn't find a foul pop-up ("Where is it," I kept asking) until the ball bounced off home plate, scaring the bejeepers out of me.

A couple of years ago, I found this mitt on eBay. After a mildly spirited bidding war, I replaced a lost childhood treasure. Even if it did remind me of an embarrassing moment.

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