Monday, June 21, 2010

Hey, we remember you

It was a bit weird, in a sense, viewing the Clearwater Threshers as the visitors. Over the past few summers, we've taken in quite a few games at Bright House Field, the home park of the Philadelphia Phillies' Advanced-A squad. This time, though, it was different.

Rather than hang out along the left-field seats in Clearwater, Colin took his customary spot near the visitor's bullpen at Dunedin Stadium, home of the nearby (it's only 6 miles away) rival Dunedin Blue Jays, Toronto's Florida State League affiliate. It's no surprise, either, that the outcome was the same -- plenty of ballplayers willing to make a kid's day.

All told, Colin snagged 16 signatures for his fourth team ball of the 2010 Summer of Baseball campaign:

Cody Overbeck (that's him, above, signing for Colin), Korey Noles, Kevin Jordan (hitting coach) and J.C. Ramirez; and

Darrin Ruf, Jesus Sanchez (we believe), Derrick Mitchell and Brian Gump; and

Tyler Cloyd, Justin DeFratus and Jon Velasquez; and

Chris Kissock, Steve Susdorf, Korby Mintken, Harold Garcia and D'Arby Myers.


Brett said...

The unidentified is pitcher JC Ramirez

Puckhound said...
